
Fiddlewidget University

  A library of general music information that pickers can actually use!

the graduate
Teaching Improv and playing by ear Improv. lesson plans for classical string teachers
Mapping Higher Violin Positions Using the Widget as a Higher Positions Roadmap
Understanding Chords Common chord theory--widgetized and made practical
Nashville Number System "Quick and Dirty" explanation of the 1's, 4's, 5's etc.
Widgeteering the Banjo Using the Fiddlewidget to understand the banjo neck
What's New at Fiddlewidget U Newly-Added Instructional Content
free lessons-building a banjo lick II Widgetiized fundamentals for putting licks together
reserved--paid lessons
The musty archives of Fiddlewidget U Look here if you can't find what you're looking for.

Available from nationally known music suppliers, or call Bruce Haney at (423) 349-6715
or email at